Code of Conduct
- To provide a caring and supportive environment in which students are able to work and flourish
- To develop a positive climate, based on courtesy and consideration for others
- To provide an atmosphere in which students can learn well and teachers can teach effectively
- To develop respect for the museum/gallery/host site and personal property
- To promote good relationships between adults and students and between students
- To encourage students to take initiatives and accept responsibility for their behaviour and progress
- To show students that their work and good behaviour is valued, and to help maintain high expectations
All students are expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Health and Safety Regulations. These are posted on the AHLU website.
- All students must conform to the Health and Safety regulations listed separately.
- All students must conform to the Code of Conduct.
- No food may be consumed in the galleries at any time.
- Chewing gum is not allowed in museums/galleries.
- Radios, MP3 players, iPods, digital cameras, video cameras or other similar electronic items are brought to museum/gallery/host site at students’ own risk.
- Smoking or possessing illegal substances, defacing property or stealing are not acceptable and will be dealt with most seriously.
- AHLU cannot be responsible for students’ mobile phones or other personal possessions.
Sanctions and Permanent Exclusion Suspension is the usual and immediate punishment for possession of illegal substances, for smoking in museum/gallery spaces, for defacing property, or for stealing. Suspension for other serious offences, such as actions which bring AHLU into disrepute, is at the discretion of the Chief Executive. Parents will always be contacted before a student is suspended.
The Chief Executive will act fairly and in accordance with the procedures of natural justice and will not permanently exclude a student except in grave circumstances.
A witness must be present when the Chief Executive interviews the student concerning the offence or offences which are liable to result in permanent exclusion. Parents should also be invited to attend a meeting with the Chief Executive before the exclusion takes place. No student shall be permanently excluded without prior consultation with the Chair of Trustees or the Deputy Chair if the former is unavailable.
The parents of a student who has been permanently excluded shall have the right of review by a three-member sub-committee of the Board of Trustees.